Shiseido, the renowned Japanese beauty brand, chose the enchanting city of Venice for events related to the celebration of the 150th anniversary of its beauty empire. The international beauty summit brought the leading scientists and experts in cosmetic innovation to the Hilton Molino Stucky to narrate the history of the well-known brand and its future projects in the cosmetics world during a corporate event.
Following the summit, an exclusive Gala Dinner was held at the Scuola Grande della Misericordia, curated by Martino Crespi. In this wonderful location, culinary specialties created by Michelin-starred chefs were accompanied by the background of the most famous movie soundtracks, interpreted by the artistic performance of the Aria Group and a 60-piece orchestra. To conclude the evening, master pastry chef Ernst Knam presented a spectacular cake, resembling more an enchanting work of art than a dessert. The Gala Dinner was attended by many well-known personalities from the jet set, including Belen, Cecilia Rodriguez, Giulia De Lellis, and Paola Turani, to name a few.
RAVA handled the entire design and technical implementation of audio, video, lighting, as well as the setup and furnishings for the event. The goal was to create a refined corporate event with an immersive and engaging setting for all attendees. Summit speakers had the opportunity to dominate the entire stage without ever leaving the scene. We aim to be a supplier that can increasingly be a unique interlocutor for the client, offering fully personalized and comprehensive solutions for any technical or setup requirement.
For this event, RAVA provided a complete 360° service. In recent years, more and more clients have asked us to provide everything related to technical and setup aspects with our technical and organizational structure. RAVA is becoming an increasingly complete supplier, offering fully personalized solutions for any technical, design, implementation, and setup need.
Our method is based on efficient and detailed planning. The various phases of a project are controlled and verified step by step: from our technical to creative office, each project is overseen by a dedicated project manager, and our production staff monitors the design and execution of events.
We are always searching for the most modern solutions and exclusive technologies to ensure the best solutions for client needs. With proven experience and expertise in diverse contexts, we manage the design and technical support for any type of location. We have learned to interpret environments and make them align with the desires and needs of our clients.
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